DMS Lite
Clients can use the web-based DMS Lite system when making declarations to HMRC under Simplified Customs Declaration Processes (SCDP).

Client Testimonial

We were delighted to go into partnership with Langdon using their Customs Bureau Services. Their expertise in the field has enabled us to improve our efficiencies, increase our productivity and identify cost savings. In addition, support, collaboration and client service is first class
What is DMS Lite
DMS Lite is a simple solution which enables traders and agents to submit Import Supplementary Declarations and customs warehouse removals to HMRC’s Customs Declaration Service (CDS).
Product Benefits
Quick and easy implementation – accessible via web browser
Reduce declaration costs
CSV interface for bulk data upload
Duplicate regular repeat declarations
Experienced product support team
Product Features
Supplementary Declaration and FSD submissions to CDS
CSV upload to minimise manual input
Reporting tools to track duty liabilities
An Import Supplementary Declaration is transmitted to HMRC, providing further information on goods initially imported under the Simplified Customs Declaration Process.
A Final Supplementary Declaration (FSD) is transmitted to HMRC by the 4th working day of the following month as a summary of all Import Supplementary Declarations transmitted in the reporting period.
How it works
Data can be entered into DMS Lite via a simple CSV upload or manual input directly into the system screens. DMS Lite transmits submitted data as an XML file and reads in responses from HMRC, reporting back the status of acceptance of the declaration and/or any errors that need to be addressed.
For 3rd & 4th party logistics operators looking to manage their clients’ customs reporting, DMS Lite multi-client functionality enables agents to make declarations on behalf of themselves and/or their clients.